Welcome Participants,


Welcome to the 8th IAMB Summer conference of the International Academy of Management and Business that took place on June 28-30, 2010, in Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain.


The theme of the conference was “Business Management in a Market Oriented World.” There were two keynote presentations: “Doing Business in Football: Managers' Perspectives and Future Developments” by Francisco Roca and General Director of the Spanish Football League and Julio Rojo, Head of Business Development. The second “Santander is you: An Engaging Program to live up to its Reputations in 10 Languages, 40 Countries and 170.000 Employees” by Almudena Rodríguez Tarodo, Director of Learning, Knowledge and Development, Santander Bank (Spain). IAMB extends its gratitude and appreciation for their outstanding and well received presentations.


The conference provided a platform for professionals, practitioners, academics, educators and researchers in the various fields of management and business to disseminate and share the latest research, knowledge and experiences. The conference hosted scholars over 30 countries around the world, covering over 45 universities, academic institutions and businesses. The friendly atmosphere, the one on one opportunity for exchange and networking, and the multi-national exposure were cited among the top benefits from conference attendees. 


About IAMB

Our goal is to bring scholars from various fields of management and facilitate meaningful interactions. Hopefully this will lead to professional development opportunities for scholars and practitioners in management and business. IAMB fosters a small conference setting (under 200 participants) with multi-national delegates. 



The content of all presentations, views and opinions as well as material published in the IAMB 2010 Summer Conference Proceedings are the responsibilities of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions, views or the policies of IAMB. Researchers and authors assume responsibility for the accuracy of data and facts published in the Conference Proceedings. 


To obtain a copy of these proceedings, you may contact the authors or contact the under signed by mail to IAMB office, P.O. Box 8040, Silver Spring, Maryland 20907, USA, by email to Dr. Batzri.net or by fax  (301) 585-1417. Individual contributions are copyright by the authors or their employers. This CD compilation and its Internet equivalent are copyright© 2010 by IAMB and Gilron Group, LLC. All rights reserved. 


Shmuel Batzri, Ph.D.

Academic Affairs



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