International Journal of Management and Business

IJMB Volume I, Issue 1

CEO Views on the Value of International Business Skills and Education
J. Michael Geringer, William R. Pendergast

Orfalea College of Business, California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, California 93407-0304 USA


This study uses survey data from the Fortune 500, the largest American companies, to replicate and extend prior research regarding the importance of international business education, various international business-related skills, and potential problem areas. Four research themes provided the focus for this study. (1) How important do senior executives perceive international business skills and knowledge to be for their companies, both overall and for recruitment for entry-level and senior positions? (2) What potential problem areas are the most important to international operations of the respondents’ companies? (3) With regard to preparing personnel for the challenges of international business, which international business courses are most important for early career positions at the respondents’ companies? (4) Do perceptions of the importance of the above three issues vary significantly based on the expected increase in the level of a company’s international activities over the next five years? Results support a continuing strong international focus in curriculum and teaching at business schools, while highlighting both stability and change in the perceived problem areas for international activities. Key skills and knowledge for international business are highlighted, along with potential challenges for university education efforts, especially at the undergraduate level.

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