International Journal of Management and Business
IJMB Volume III, Issue 2

Job Design Effects on Novice and Repeat Entrepreneurs’ Job Stress
Leon Schjoedt

School of Business and Economics, Indiana University, South Bend, IN, 46634, U.S.A.

In this study the relationships between four core job characteristics (autonomy, task variety, task identity, and feedback) and job stress are examined for 192 novice and 229 repeat entrepreneurs. Autonomy was a significant factor in both novice and repeat entrepreneurs’ job stress; whereas, task variety was a significant factor in job stress for novice entrepreneurs but not for repeat entrepreneurs. The results indicate that the job characteristics approach expands the understanding of entrepreneurs’ job stress, and that important similarities and differences exist between novice and repeat entrepreneurs in how job characteristics influence job stress.
Keywords: Person-Environment Fit, Job Characteristics, Job Stress, Novice Entrepreneurs, Repeat Entrepreneurs.

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