International Journal of Management and Business
IJMB Volume II, Issue 2

The Effect of Quality Management Excellence Model Applications on the Perceived Service Quality: An Application in Health Sector
Mine Senela and Bilgin Senelb

Faculty of Engineering, Anadolu University, Ikieylül Campus, Eskisehir/Turkey and,

This study was conducted in order to examine the effect of the EFQM (European Foundation Quality Management) Excellence Model on perceived service quality. Within this context, the perceived service quality at two maternity hospitals was comparatively analyzed using the SERVQUAL scale. The first hospital effectively applies the EFQM Excellence Model and received the National Quality Prize in 2006. The second one is another maternity hospital that does not apply the EFQM Excellence Model. The hypothesis of the study could be wrapped up as “the perceived service quality at the hospital which applies the EFQM Excellence Model is higher than the hospital that does not apply these practices”. For gathering data, questionnaire forms were designed to measure perceived service quality. The patients were provided with some judgment statements on various services, and they were asked to evaluate each statement according to their expectations and perceived realizations. The data analysis was conducted by means of reliability, exploratory factor analysis, mean calculation, independent t-test to compare the service quality at the hospitals, and ANOVA (one-way analysis of variance), respectively. Using data obtained from questionnaires, analysis was performed to identify the most important of the 5 dimensions considered for service quality for Turkish patients and the dimension that requires the most improvement at the hospital. It was found that both hospitals score very low on empathy and physical appearance, which are considered the least important by the patients, whereas they score relatively higher on reliability, responsiveness and assurance which the patients consider more important. Also, it was found that the application of the EFQM Excellence Model and National Quality Award in the hospital where this study was conducted doesn’t create a difference in the level of perceived service quality as compared to the hospital not applying these standards.
Keywords: Service Quality, SERVQUAL, EFQM Excellence Model.

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