Proceedings of the 20th IAMB Conference, Istanbul, Turkey

Fall 2015

Manuscripts listed alphabetically by first author


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Aksehirli, Zeynep

Assistant Professor

Ozyegin University

Istanbul, Turkey

Effects of Social Networks on Leader Behavior Preference

Author(s): ZeynepAksehirli


Amungo, Ebimo

Senior Lecturer

Department of Business Administration

Nigerian Turkish Nile University

Abuja, FCT, Nigeria

Internationalisation of Nigerian Banks: Which Theories of Internationalisation Prevailed?

Author(s): EbimoAmungo


Argueta, Jesus


Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras (UNAH)

Tegucigalpa, Francisco Morazan, Honduras

Can Franchising become a Corporate Key Performance Indicator? An Exploratory Approach Towards the Understanding of the Central American Coffee Business Demography Phenomena

Author(s): JesusArgueta, EduardHuete, NormaArgueta


Argueta, Jesus


Department of Universidad Tecnologica Centro Americana (UNITEC)

Tegucigalpa, Francisco Morazan, Honduras

Business Demography: An Unexplored Trend along the Central American Business Ambience

Author(s): JesusArgueta, CrisleyDavila


Carr, Chris

Professor of Corporate Strategy

Edinburgh Business School

University of Edinburgh

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Modes of Subsidiary Leadership Adjustment in a Cross-Cultural Context

Author(s): ChrisCarr, Chin-JuTsai, KunQiao, SasiyaSupprakit


Celli, Massimiliano

Assistant Professor

Roma TRE University

Rome, Italy

Can Altman Z-Score Model Predict Business Failures in non Anglo-Saxon Countries?

Author(s): MassimilianoCelli


Charkhabi, Morteza

Ph.D. Student

Department of Psychology

University of Verona

Verona, Italy

Boundaryless Career Orientation: A Help or Burden in the Face of Job Insecurity in USA and Belgium?

Author(s): MortezaCharkhabi, TahiraProbst, HansDe Witte


De Melo, Rodrigo Alexandre


Businees School, PPAD

Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná - PUCPR

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil

Influence of Intraorganizational Social Connection, Neuroticism, and Family-Work Conflict in Knowledge Sharing

Author(s): Rodrigo Alexandre de Melo, Carla Sokulski, Wesley Vieira da Silva, Claudimar Pereira da Veiga, Jansen Del Corso


De Souza, Miriam L.

Master Student

Business School

Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná - PUCPR

Curitiba, Parana, Brazil

Cognitive Biases and Decision Making: An Analysis of Investors in the Brazilian Stock market

Author(s): Miriam LDe Souza, Wesley Vieirada Silva, Emerson LuizBomfim, AngelaPóvoa


Deery, Stephen


King's College London

London, United Kingdom

The Costs of Exhibiting Organizational Citizenship Behaviour

Author(s): StephenDeery, BruceRayton, JanetWalsh, NicholasKinnie


Delgado, Mario E.


H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business and Entrepreneurship

Nova Southestern University

Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA

A Realistic Redirection of the Theory of the Firm: The Relevance of Averages, Marginals and Subjective Adjustments

Author(s): Mario E.Delgado, Pedro F.Pellet, MikeRyan


Demirer, Halil

Associate Professor, Head of Department

Department of Business Travel Management

Iskenderun Technical University

Iskenderun, Hatay, Turkey

The Factors Effecting Hotel Employees' Attitudes Towards Change

Author(s): HalilDemirer, NecdetBilgin


D'Eramo, Michael

Ph.D. Student

Central Michigan University and

The Rubicon Group

Oak Park, IL, USA

Key Leadership Traits of Physician Executives: A Comparative Review and Analysis of the Literature

Author(s): MichaelD'Eramo, StevenBerkshire


Derbali, Abdelkader

University of Sousse

Higher Institute of Management of Sousse

Sousse, Tunisia

The Organization of a Business According to the School of Human Relations and the Modern School: Portrait of Success

Author(s): AbdelkaderDerbali


D'Oliveira, Luca


Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration

FGV, Getulio Vargas Foundation

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Managing People towards Organizational Change Processes

Author(s): LucasD'Oliveira


Ebrahimi, Alireza

Associate Professor

Department of Management

SUNY Old Westbury

Old Westbury, NY, USA

The Importance of Information Technology in Management Education

Author(s): AlirezaEbrahimi, LynnWalsh


Enciso, Luis Fernando


Businees School, PPAD

Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná - PUCPR

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil

Determination of Sovereign Ratings in Latin American Countries

Author(s): Luis FernandoEnciso, Wesley Vieirada Silva, June AlisonWestarb Cruz, Pedro GuilhermeRibeiro Piccoli, Claudimar Pereirada Veiga, Jansen MaiaDel Corso


Guha, Mahua

Assistant Professor

Department of Strategy

Indian Institute of Management Rohtak

Rohtak, Haryana, India

Dynamics of Organizational Routines in Declining Firms when Compared to their Matched Survivors: In the US Chemical and Allied Products Industry (SIC 2800)

Author(s): MahuaGuha


Karuoya, Lucy

Ph.D. Student

Kenya Methodist University

Nairobi, Kenya

Sustainable Competitive Advantage Among Cut Flower Companies

Author(s): LucyKaruoya


Khan, Saif-ud-din

Assistant Professor

Department of Management Sciences

Qurtuba University of Science and Information Technology

D,I. Khan, Pakistan

Investigating the Relationship of Organizational Citizenship Behavior with Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention: Case of Banks in D.I.Khan District of Pakistan

Author(s): Saif-ud-dinKhan, Muhammad Adeel


Khan, Saif-ud-din

Assistant Professor

Department of Management Sciences

Qurtuba University

D.I.Khan, Pakistan

Mediating Role of Job Stress between Role Stressors and Job Satisfaction: Case Of Pakistani Based Multinational Company

Author(s): Saif-ud-DinKhan, MuhammadImran


Koronios, Konstantinos

Ph.D. Student

Department of Sport Management

University of Peloponnese

Sparti, Lakonias, Greece

Factors driving Purchase Intention and Word of Mouth Communication for Sports Sponsors: A Comparative Analysis between 'Star' Clubs and 'Underdogs'

Author(s): KonstantinosKoronios, MarinaPsiloutsikou, AthanasiosKriemadis,
EleniLeivaditi, PavlosZervoulakos, DimitriosKothroulas, GeorgiosKarapostolou


Lus, Betul

Assistant Professor

School for Graduate Studies

SUNY Empire State College

Saratoga Springs, NY, USA

Global Leadership Diversity: Impact on Innovation, Income Disparity and Turnover

Author(s): BetulLus, ShishirSingh


Masri, Firas

Ph.D. Student

Manchester Business School

University of Manchester

Manchester, United Kingdom

Conceptual Model of Knowledge Transfer Mechanism-Processes and Factors (Enablers and Barriers): Theoretical Model

Author(s): FirasMasri, TrevorWood-Harper


Menkhoff, Thomas


Lee Kong Chian School of Business

Singapore Management University

Singapore, Singapore

The Effects of an Age-Diverse Workforce on Innovationin Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)

Author(s): ThomasMenkhoff


Özdevecioğlu, Mahmut


Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

Erciyes University

Kayseri, Turkey

The Effect of Perceived Over Qualification on Employee Performance: The Moderating Role of Neuroticism

Author(s): MahmutÖzdevecioğlu, TuğbaDedeoğlu, YaseminKaya Harman


Özdevecioğlu, Mahmut


Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences

Erciyes University

Kayseri, Turkey

The Effect of Mental Workloan on Subjective Well-Being: The Mediating Role of Leisure Behaviors

Author(s): MahmutÖzdevecioğlu, NeslihanDuman


Parise, Salvatore

Associate Professor

Babson College

Babson Park, Massachusetts, USA

Do or Die: How Exceptional IT Professionals Innovate

Author(s): SalvatoreParise, PatriciaGuinan


Robles, Fernando


George Washington University

Washington, DC, USA

Agglomeration and Institutional Determinants on the Location of Franchised Fast Food Networks in Latin America

Author(s): FernandoRobles


Sheikhzadeh, Mehdi

Assistant Professor

Graduate School of Management and Economics

Sharif University of Technology

Tehran, Iran

Comparative Analysis of Bargaining Power Scenarios in 3-tier Marketing Channels

Author(s): Mehdi Sheikhzadeh, GolnooshSharifan


Sultan, Nabil

Dean and Professor

A'Sharqiyah University

Ibra, Oman

The New Disruptive Phase of Mobile Technology: The Case of Wearables

Author(s): NabilSultan


Tutino, Marco

Associate Professor

Department of Business Studies

Faculty of Economics

Roma Tre University

Rome, Italy

Predictive Power of Fair Value Hierarchy in Asset Valuation: An International Research on Insurance Sector

Author(s): MarcoTutino, CarloRegoliosi


Weidmann, Jean


HEIG-VD, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Western Switzerland

Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland

Collective Staff Performance Management: Inputs and Mediators

Author(s): JeanWeidmann, MarioKonishi


Xu, Zhongyuan

Harbin Engineering University

Harbin, Hei Long Jiang, China

Innovation Networks and Innovation Performance: The Intermediary Role of Knowledge Management Capability

Author(s): ZhongyuanXu, WeiChen


Yüksel, Müberra

Associate Professor

Department of International Trade and Logistics

School of Applied Studies

Kadir Has University

Istanbul, Turkey

An Analysis of Human Resource Management Policies for Constructing Employer Brands in the Logistics Sector

Author(s): MüberraYüksel, Ömer FarukGörçün


Zanin, Filippo

Department of Business Administration and Statistics

University of Udine

Pordenone, Pordenone, Italy

Knowledge Management Strategies in SMEs: The Dynamics Behind the Alignment between Knowledge and Strategy

Author(s): FilippoZanin, CarloBagnoli, AntonioCostantini




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