IJMB Journal – Abstracts

International Journal of Management and Business

IJMB Volume X, Special Edition


Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility Communication on Sinful Firms and Emerging Economic Factors on Gunmakers

Colin DeVries

Rutgers University–New Brunswick

E-mail: colinmdevries@gmail.com


Corporate social responsibility has reoriented the way businesses progress and grow in the 21st century. So-called sinful firms, however, have not embraced CSR practices as fully as other modern business sectors. Makers of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, and firearms have been slow to confront societal pressures for change. Recent economic and political factors have prompted these businesses to look toward CSR practices and strategic communication focused social causes. Stakeholder groups have forced the hand of some companies, such as gunmakers, and prompted a shift. This paper reviews if prioritizing CSR and CSR communication makes for better business among sinful firms. Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, CSR, Philanthropy, Social cause, Sustainable, develop goals, SDGs, Guns, Firearms, Gunmakers, National Rifle Association, NRA, Sturm Ruger, Tobacco, Philip Morris, Nuclear energy, Alcohol, Sinful firms.

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