IJMB Journal – Table of Contents

International Journal of Management and Business

IJMB Volume X, Special Edition – December 2019

Preface – Cover, Editorial Board, Table of Content, From the Editor

Managing Social Media for Learning and for Maintaining Academic Integrity.
Michele T. Cole, J.D., Ph.D., Louis B. Swartz, J.D.
Keywords: academic integrity, e-learning, online education, social media, technology.
Click for Abstract or full manuscript (PDF)

A Study of Female Interaction with Executive Leadership Expectations in U.S. Organizations.
Jennifer A. Priddy
Keywords: Females, Implicit Leadership Theory, Role Congruity Theory, agentic traits, communal traits, leadership style, challenges, barriers, stereotypes, biases.
Click for Abstract or full manuscript (PDF)

Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility Communication on Sinful Firms and Emerging Economic Factors on Gunmakers
Colin DeVries
Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, CSR, Philanthropy, Social cause, Sustainable, develop goals, SDGs, Guns, Firearms, Gunmakers, National Rifle Association, NRA, Sturm Ruger, Tobacco, Philip Morris, Nuclear energy, Alcohol, Sinful firms.
Click for Abstract or full manuscript (PDF)

Recruiter Effects on Job-Seeker Self-Efficacy
Daniel M. Eveleth and Lori J. Baker-Eveleth
Keywords: applicant reactions, candidate experience, well-being, self-efficacy, recruiter, job seeker.
Click for Abstract or full manuscript (PDF)

Inherent Negatives of Artificial Intelligence.
Laura Meléndez
Keywords: Algorithm, artificial intelligence, bias, data, GDPR, inherent negatives, job elimination, NGOs, social responsibility, stakeholders, triple bottom line.
Click for Abstract or full manuscript (PDF)

The Influence of Self-Efficacy on Corporate Management Leadership.
Alisha Da Costa
Keywords: corporate manager leadership, leadership attributes, leadership effectiveness, leadership performance, self -efficacy, transformational leadership.
Click for Abstract or full manuscript (PDF)

Developing Management Skills: Team ePortfolios.
Maureen Snow Andrade
Keywords: ePortfolio, high impact practices, cross-cutting skills, reflection, teamwork, management skills, higher education.
Click for Abstract or full manuscript (PDF)