General Information :
Please note the following :
The manuscript maximum length is 10 pages, including references, tables, and figures. Longer manuscripts will be subject to additional charge of $8 per page, over 10 pages.
- Each submission must be in Microsoft Word compatible format (*.doc). Do not send *.pdf files (Adobe Acrobat.)
- Final manuscripts must be submitted electronically by email, by regular mail or through our website (see under “Submission.)
- Final Manuscript must adhere to these guidelines in order to ensure uniformity and a professional publication. Manuscripts that do not adhere to the Guidelines will be edited and their authors will incur an additional charge of $2.00 per page or more.
- The submission of final manuscript as hard copy only, for publication in the proceedings, will incur additional charge to the authors of $5.00 per page.
IAMB Disclaimers
The content of all material published by IAMB in the Conference Proceedings is the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the opinions, views or the policies of IAMB. Researchers and authors assume responsibility for the accuracy of data and facts published in the Proceedings.
Guidlines for Abstracts :
- The title should be short and informative, not to exceed 75 characters.
- The abstract should clearly describe the major points of your study. It should be intelligible to all readers, including those who are not specialists in the field and understandable by itself. Click here for a sample of Abstract and manuscript (PDF).
- Start by a brief introduction and state your hypothesis, question and/or aims of your research.
- Explain your methodology, procedures and/or the tools used to collect your data.
- Summarize your results or major findings.
- Write a brief discussion, if applicable.
- State your conclusions based on your findings and any implications.
- The abstract must not exceed two pages
Format Instructions for Abstracts :
- The abstract must be single-spaced, with one inch (25mm) margins on all four sides.
- The abstract should start with title, centered on the top line with no period at the end, followed by a blank line.
- The font size of the title is 26 point typeface (not Italic, not bold).
- Use title case (i.e., first letter of a word should be capitalized but not prepositions and conjunctions). For example: “Theoretical Considerations and Limitations in Organized Labor”.
- Do not submit the title in all capital letters (e.g. do not use THE LABOR SHORTAGE.)
- Avoid abbreviations in the title (e.g., use Human Resource Investments in India, not HRIs in India).
- Use short and descriptive subtitles, if any, not to exceed 45 Characters.
- Below the title list the author(s), first, middle name or initial followed by a period, and last name followed by a comma, all authors’ names on one line.
- Academic degrees may follow the author’s name but NOT position title (Dean, professor, Director, etc.)
- Denote the corresponding author with an asterisk (*) beside that individual’s name.
- Don’t use all capitals for the first and/or last names of the author(s).
- Below the authors should be a blank line.
- List the institutional affiliations. Do not abbreviate name of institutions (e.g., use Rochester Institute of Technology, not RIT). Do not submit institutional affiliations in all capital letters.
- Include institutional address (optional), City, State, country
- Do not include: Street address, P. O. Box or telephone numbers
- List email addresses of the author(s).
- There should be no blank lines in the section on the author’s information.
- There should be two blank lines between the author’s information and the word “Abstract”.
- The word “Abstract” should be centered, font size 12 points, bold.
- There should be one blank line between the word “Abstract” and the text of the abstract.
- If acronyms or abbreviations are used, the term should be first indicated in full followed by the short form (e.g. Management Employee Relationships (MER)).
- Review your title and abstract carefully to make sure they convey your essential points succinctly and clearly.
Guidelines for Final Manuscript :
Your manuscript should be organized in the way you want it to appear in the proceedings.
We recommend to arrange the manuscript in the following order:
- Title, author(s), name(s) of institution(s) and email addresses
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Discussion and hypothesis (if applicable)
- Procedures for collecting data (if applicable)
- Results (if applicable), figures and tables with legends
- Conclusions
- International and managerial implications
- References
- Footnotes
- Acknowledgment
- The entire manuscript must be single spaced, left aligned and in Times New Roman, font size 12 points.
- There should be a blank line between paragraphs with the first line of each paragraph indented 0.5 inch (12 mm.)
- All headings (e.g. Abstract, Introduction, etc.) should be bold typeface, font size 12 point and centered with one blank line before and one blank line after the headings.
- All subheadings, if any, should be bold typeface, font size 12 point and left aligned on a separate line with one blank line before the subheadings. There should be no blank line after the subheadings.
- Number all pages including figures and tables.
The body of the manuscript :
The Introduction should present the purpose of the studies reported and their relationship to earlier work in the field. It should not be an extensive review of the literature nor, in general, exceed one typed page
- Language of the submission should be edited for clear, concise wording; proper English sentence structure; consistency; typographical errors; grammar; and spelling.
- Each Section should start with a heading (e.g. Introduction), centered, bold typeface with one blank line before and one blank line after the headings. Do not use all capital letters in the heading.
- Subheadings should be bold typeface, left aligned and with one blank line before the subheadings. There should be no blank line after the subheadings. Do not use all capital letters in the subheading.
Tables, Figures and Diagrams :
Keep to a minimum the number of tables and figures that are essential to illustrate or prove a point. Avoid very complex or large tables.
- Prepare figures at publication quality resolution, using only applications capable of generating high resolution.
- Number each figure in the order of appearance in the manuscript.
- Each figure, table and diagram should have a title briefly describing the presentation, and sufficient details in a legend to be understandable without reference to the text.
- Each column in a table must have a heading, and abbreviations, when necessary, should be defined in the legend.
References :
- All reference should be numbered in order of appearance in the text.
- The number of references should be limited to 40 references.
- All references listed at the end of your manuscript must be included within in-text citations.
- References and endnotes should follow the style of the American Psychological Association (APA).