International Journal of Management and Business

IJMB Volume III, Issue 1

Research and Publication Strategies for International Scholars in a Globalizing World
William R. Pendergast

Orfalea College of Business California Polytechnic State University
San Luis Obispo, California 93407-0304 USA

Scholars in emerging economies experience strong institutional pressures to accelerate their output of research and publication in leading academic journals. These pressures arise from global and local dynamics that affect educational institutions in their competition for international prestige and reputation. At the same time, scholars confront entry barriers to publication in leading academic journals that are solidly anchored within a prevailing Anglo-American paradigm that includes language, research topics, and methodology. This article examines: the importance of publication to scholars and institutions; the varieties of scholarship (discovery, teaching and application); the life-cycle of faculty publication (audience, outlets and topics); channels for publication; selecting a target publication (qualifying the buyer) with respect to audience, topics, methodology and ranking; crafting an article format; and strategies for success through collaboration.
Keywords: Information Sharing, Group Decision Supported System (GDSS), Expertise role-assignment.

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