IJMB Journal – Abstracts

International Journal of Management and Business

IJMB Volume V, Issue 1


Narcissistic Personality Inventory:
An Assessment of Measurement Equivalence across Countries and Gender
Irina Cozmaa*, Golshan Javadianb, Vishal K. Guptac, Mario Caneverd

aDevelopment Dimensions International, irina.cozma@ddiworld.com
bMorgan State University, gojav2@morgan.edu
cState University of New York – Binghamton vgupta@binghamton.edu
dPelotas Federal University canever@ufpel.edu.br


Narcissism has emerged as an important topic in scholarly journals and popular press, but these discussions have been sustained in the absence of systematic psychometric research on the cross-cultural and cross-gender generalizability of narcissism measures. Using a psychometric approach, the present research looks at narcissism from two lenses: across countries and across gender. Specifically, we assessed the extent to which a measure of narcissism (NPI-16) is interpreted in a conceptually similar manner by (a) respondents from U.S., Brazil and Iran, and (b) both men and women. Our findings indicate that NPI does demonstrate satisfactory levels of configural and metric equivalence across these three countries and gender.

Keywords: narcissism, NPI, measurement equivalence, gender, country, culture.

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