IJMB Journal – Abstracts

International Journal of Management and Business

IJMB Volume XI, Issue 1


Retaining Millennials in the Federal Workforce: A Rapid Evidence Assessment

Nana Amma Acheampong

University of Maryland Global Campus
College Park, Maryland, USA

E-mail: narchie13@gmail.com


Federal public sector organizations are confronted with human capital challenges notably, an aging workforce population, increasing Baby Boomer retirements, and Millennial federal employees who are exiting the federal workforce in increasing numbers. The most concerning among these human resource challenges is difficulty in retaining Millennial talents to fill the skill gap resulting from the “silver tsunami.” This paper explores questions such as “what work factors can be used to retain Millennials?” and “what are the reward schemes necessary to retain Millennials?” Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the reward strategies for retaining Millennial employees in federal organizations. Considering the urgency of the management problem, the author employed a rapid evidence assessment (REA) to identify, appraise, analyze, and interpret the data that addresses the study problem. Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory (1968) provided the theoretical explanation for federal organizations leveraging reward schemes to retain Millennials. A thematic synthesis method enables the author to identify and explain the unique and converging patterns of themes from the 20 selected studies. The review findings and recommendations are based on evidence curated from the methodical review of relevant literature. This paper offers implications for human resource practitioners and federal managers. The uniqueness of this paper resides in employing an expeditious and credible method to gather evidence that focuses on optimizing youth retention in federal public sector organizations. This study contributes to the global policy debate on total rewards and organizational competitiveness and success.

Keywords: Generation Y, federal public sector organizations, Millennials,  rapid evidence assessment, reward schemes.

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