IJMB Journal – Abstracts

International Journal of Management and Business

IJMB Volume VI, Issue 2


New Media – An Opportunity to Customer Relationship Management?
A Review-based Analysis of Success Factors and Success Effect

Robert Elmerhaus1 and Verónica Baena2

1European University of Madrid, Spain.
22Department of Marketing, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
relmerhaus@web.de, veronica.baena@uem.es


In the age of virtualization and globalization customer relationship management (CRM) increasingly utilizes new media for advertisement, customer contact, data management, servicing and sales. The opportunities, risks and success factors of the application of these new technologies however have not been comprehensively explored so far. The study systematizes new media technologies for customer relationship management in the form of a review and differentiates and synthesizes new media based opportunities, risks and success factors in CRM referring to the corporate value-added process. It draws on Kim, Zhao and Yang’s (2008) and Kim and Kim’s (2009) earlier research and extends the framework based on a more extensive literature review and adapts it to new media applications. Success effects of new media usage at the shareholder and customer-level are elaborated. Therefore, this work provides academic research with a theoretically founded classification system for new media research, which is applicable to CRM and neighboring study fields. Practitioners can also apply the category set to revise and organize their CRM strategy with regard to the technological options of new media. The study is the theoretical and structural foundation to a planned empirical study on the success effects of new media in CRM.

Keywords: Customer Relationship Management, Strategic Marketing,
New Media, Conceptual Paper

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