IJMB Journal – Abstracts

International Journal of Management and Business

IJMB Volume IX, Issue 1


Links between Specific Emotional Intelligence Competencies and Transformational Leadership Behaviors

Steven H. Appelbaum, Ph.D.1*, Marie-Stephanie Bélisle-Mignacca, MBA2,James Mehta, MBA3, Laura Parisse, MBA4

1Professor of Management 234Graduate Students
John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

E-mail: steven.appelbaum@concordia.camariestephaniebelisle@gmail.comjames.an.mehta@gmail.comparisselaura@gmail.com


The purpose of this article is to explore emotional intelligence (EQ), transformational leadership and whether or not a relationship exists between EQ competencies and transformational leadership characteristics. This article presents the competencies of EQ, the traits of transformational leadership, the relationship between EQ and transformational leadership and practical implications in the form of leadership recruitment and training. Studies have shown that there is a relationship between a leaders’ EQ and their propensity to utilize transformational leadership behaviors. It was found that many of the competencies that compose emotional intelligence lend themselves to a transformational leadership style. Overall, research suggests that there are links between specific EQ competencies and transformational leadership behaviors, however the strength of these connections vary. Organizations can improve their hiring practices by integrating transformational leadership screening via EQ testing into their interview process. Institutions can also adapt their ongoing training practices to include transformational leadership coaching and EQ development exercises.

Keywords: emotional intelligence, leadership, transformational leadership.

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