IJMB Journal – Abstracts

International Journal of Management and Business

IJMB Volume IX, Issue 1


Shared Leadership and Outcomes in Sport in Small Island Developing States

Dr. Akhentoolove Corbin

University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados


This study examined shared leadership by focusing on the relationship between predictor variable team transformational leadership and outcome variables (performance – percentage of wins, extra-effort, effectiveness and satisfaction with leadership). The research used a sample of cricket teams in small island developing states (SIDS) in select West Indian islands and the TMLQ was used as the measuring instrument. Regression analysis found that team transformational leadership did not predict performance or satisfaction with leadership, but predicted extra-effort and effectiveness. The findings were somewhat contrary to the existing literature which reported that team transformational leadership is a useful predictor of performance (Pearce and Conger, 2003; Ensley, Hmieleski, and Pearce, 2006; Sivasubramaniam, Murry, Avolio and Jung, 2002). Implications for future research are highlighted.

Keywords: sport, shared leadership, performance, extra-effort, satisfaction, effectiveness.

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