IJMB Journal – Abstracts

International Journal of Management and Business

IJMB Volume V, Issue 2


Cooperation Agreements by Spanish Companies:
Domestic vs. International

M. Dolores Robles Fernández1*, Lydia González Serrano2 and Pilar Laguna Sánchez3

1Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad CC. Económicas y Empresariales. 28223 Madrid, Spain. mdrobles@ccee.ucm.es.

2Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Facultad CC. Jurídicas y Sociales. 28032 Madrid, Spain. lydia.gonzalez@urjc.es, 3pilar.laguna@urjc.es.


This paper examines whether the behavioral patterns of international partnerships differ from those of domestic partnerships. To this end, we use a sample of partnerships established between 1990 and 2002, in which any Spanish company listed on the Spanish continuous market was a participant. The number of international partnerships has grown over this period. Spanish companies enter into agreements primarily to expand their activities abroad, although on occasion, these agreements serve as a bridge for foreign companies to penetrate the Spanish market. We test a set of exploratory hypotheses regarding the relationships among the types of partnerships and the functional area, the nature of the agreement and the sector of the partners. Our results point to a differential behavior of international partnerships.

Keywords: Cooperation; International and national partnerships; Internationalization; Spanish market.

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